A referral I got from Paul von Beroldingen. Thanks, Paul!
Hi J.,
I’ve worked with a number of Web designers in recent years. Most PR people have by now, since a huge part of our job is communicating via an increasing number of online channels. It’s essential that we understand the basics about sites, what they can accomplish and who can help us construct them effectively.
Given some of the tasks you face in organizing dances in Marin – and the ongoing need to update a calendar of upcoming events , sometimes at the last minute – the name that comes immediately to mind is Bradley Charbonneau. He’s a veteran site designer, a true pro, and you should get an estimate from him. He has a well-earned reputation for being highly efficient and economical.
His dba is “Likoma” and he’s based in SF, but has clients all around. You can see samples of his work at https://www.likoma.com.
Bradley Charbonneau
He designed and launched my own site: PVB Public Relations. (http://www.pvbpr.com).
Bradley designed my site on a tight budget, completing it in record time and with a great deal of strategic long-term thinking: The “back-end” is prepared for what I might be doing with the site in the months and years ahead. I can add video, audio, a blog, photos, etc. without having to change or upgrade the basic system.
He uses a highly flexible template application, WordPress, in building sites. This allows you, the site owner, to easily edit your own information, which in your case would be critical. It eliminates the step of either learning HTML code or repeatedly calling upon the services of a Web designer or Web master every time you need to change copy or add information. If you can use Microsoft word, you can edit a site based on WordPress.
Please tell him I sent you. You won’t find a better site designer, regardless of your budget.
Very informative post.
Finding or hiring a good web site designer is indeed challenging job. In order to build a strong online presence and have a successful online business, you need a great website designed by a good site designer. But you also need to consider your budget first.