I have a site in English and I need the same site in Spanish. Hmm. Before I just dive in, I’m thinking of my options.
- Categories (Spanish / English and then subcategories for each; sidebar content (posts/pages) based on which category we’re in)
- Pages: similar to categories: pages with sub-pages for each language
- Google Translate: some sort of on-the-fly translation tool … ?
- Duplicate WP install: a whole separate WP install for the Spanish site?
What have you done?
For internationalization, I recommend using the qTranslate plug-in. It really simplifies the process of localizing content, though you have to be extra careful with paths in the WordPress template.
Whoa! That looks too good to be true. The plugin’s site shows just a little flag and voila, translated!
You may have just saved me a (1) full WP install or at least (2) mulitple post/category/page creation.
Thanks, Michael!
Wow, that’s really great.
I ran across a few other plugins the other day that only looked OK. That one looks really good.
Hey Bradley,
Put up a link when you’ve implemented it. And let everyone know how it went on your end.