Easily add social buttons in the content area of your site.
While I’m not certain why you’d want these social buttons in a post or a page (because you usually have them at the top and/or bottom of your post), I suppose you might want them occasionally in the content area of your site. I sometimes use the content area of WordPress as a code editor for example to create a button or an info box and then just copy out the code to a sidebar or footer.
Social Profile Icon
There you have it, a social profile icon leading a Google+ account. Looks like a regular social media button to me.
There you have the Twitter icon. There are lots of options when you open up each social button screen: fields for hashtags, user names, etc.
Twitter Follow Button
[twitter_follow username=”wpume” language=”en”]This one is the Twitter Follow button complete with options to show (or not) number of followers, float left or right, etc.
[tweetmeme style=”compact” source=”wpume”]As the name implies, the Tweetmeme button. This one doesn’t seem to be working. Maybe I did an option wrong.
I’m choosing to do minimal (or zero) customizations to these buttons, but for each one, there are usually several options to choose from.
Like on Facebook
[fblike style=”standard” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial”]Again, a surprisingly full-featured option set to choose from. Even width of box, font, etc.
Share on Facebook
[fbshare type=”button”]Here we’re saving ourselves from having to add more and more plugins–or crazy code–to achieve what this simple section of this shortcode button is doing for us. Want more? Yeah, it keeps on coming.
Share on LinkedIn
[linkedin_share style=”none”]Normally, you’d probably have to go to LinkedIn, find some code, maybe make it work, probably break the HTML of your page or post here. Then hope it continues to work and not need an update.
Google +1 Button
[google_plusone size=”standard” annotation=”none” language=”English (UK)”]Here’s our friend the Google +1 button again. Again, I’m not sure why you’d want some of these on a random basis in a page or post, but maybe I just don’t know enough .
StumbleUpon Badge
[stumbleupon design=”horizontal_large”]Just another one for the collection. Almost there!
Pinterest Pin It Button
[pinterest count=”horizontal”]Here’s to pin the post to Pinterest. I know this button is relatively new in the Jetpack social button collection. I wonder how often these buttons are update for the WOO Shortcodes? If I notice updates, I’ll add them here.Phew, there you have it. A single element of a drop-down with fly-out menu of another collection of shortcodes just built right into Canvas. No (more) plugins, no tweaks, just there, ready, and working.
[…] WOO Shortcodes: Social Buttons (Jul 2) […]