This post might also be called WOO Canvas Footers as there are two footer areas in Canvas.

Once you understand the difference between the regular footer and the footer widget area, you’ll have a better time figuring out how they work–and how they can work for you. It may seem confusing that there are two footers, so for the record, here’s the difference.

For the basic footer, there are just a few options as to what you can put in there.

For the basic footer, there are just a few options as to what you can put in there.


What WOO Themes calls the footer is at the very bottom of the site. It’s 1 or 2 areas (a left and a right) and you can edit the contents only in the WOO Canvas Theme Options (Theme Options –> Styling & Layout –> Footer). There are some styling options (background, borders, etc.) and then you have two HTML boxes where you can put in simply text or go crazy and put in all kinds of fancy HTML. Up to you. If you don’t do anything, they will default to the standard copyright links in the left and the WOO product links in the right.

[box type=”note”]The footer is all the way at the bottom and doesn’t use widgets. In fact, it’s pretty basic in there. If you just think of it as a place to put your copyright and such, you’re fine.[/box]

Also of note on this Canvas settings page is that this is mostly for the footer when you do not have the Full Width Layout (for the footer) enabled. Well, yes and no. If you’re not using the Full Width Layout at all, this is where you do all of the styling for the footer.

Footer Widget Area

The (optional) footer widget area is an area below the content of the site but above the regular footer. Back in the Canvas layout settings, you can choose for 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 columns of widgets. The styling adjusts the widths of those columns accordingly.

[box type=”note”]The footer widget area is below the content and above the regular footer and is widgetized. [/box]

You can also stack widgets on top of each other. In other words, the first column might have some social media buttons, then a tag cloud, then the second footer widget has a video and the third column has a sign-up form and below that recent posts or a Buy Now button. Keep in mind that you can also use shortcodes in these widgets for example the buttons or info boxes.

If you give these two areas slightly different background colors, you can accentuate the content that you’d like and make them work for you.

There are actually two footer areas in WOO Canvas: the footer and the footer widget areas.

There are actually two footer areas in WOO Canvas: the footer and the footer widget areas.