Brian Gardner over at (what’s now called) StudioPress has a beautiful collection of professional WordPress themes for sale. He updates them regularly and has a broad collection with a variety of applications (real estate, photo galleries, etc.).
I’ve been using StudioPress’s Genesis theme more and more lately.
The more I use the Genesis framework, the more I’m seeing the thought that went into building it. There are features that save time, are efficient–and effective. That Featured Posts Widget (as well as the Featured Pages Widget) do wonders for your sidebar (or footer or wherever else you’d like a widget). From the developer/designer perspective, it keeps me out of PHP. That means I spend less time coding and tweaking to get something to work. It also means less time in Dreamweaver (or PHP editor) on my local machine, uploading, testing, etc. It’s right there in a nice user interface and let’s me–or you–choose the options you’d like. So far so good. I’ll keep posting updates.
Here are some reviews, notes, and plugins that come with it.
Recently I posted about Elegant WordPress Themes and how fantastic they were. So again, here I am posting about someone else’s WordPress work, about another place where a potential client of mine could go to get their site built. Aren’t I just handing business to them on a silver platter? Why don’t I just walk my clients across the street and show them my competitor’s showroom? Why don’t I give them a coupon so they can get the competitor’s product at a discount!? What AM I doing?
I’m so confident in WordPress and the future of it that it’s more about building a following than making a buck. If more and more people use WordPress, the product has to get better. More plugins, more themes (layouts/designs), more stable, more features, more speed, more quality, more good. Also, I get so many clients knocking on my door saying that they had a custom site built and no one knows how to update anything and can I help. I want your site and your online presence to be future friendly. So future friendly in fact that your site can be managed by a huge group of talented WordPress developers and designers. So, are you ready to work with me on a site built in WordPress?
Can you have too much of a good thing? Too many beautiful, professional, and easy-to-use WordPress themes to use and enjoy and admire? I think not. Check out Studio Press’s WordPress themes.
I just dove into elegant themes’ Pure Type and I have to say my dev time has been cut in half!
Dude I just took another look at Studio Press Templates and yes I have to say I am fasinated of the possibilities, as well as terrified that my lunch will be eaten. And by the way Elegant Themes is great. I just ready to launch a site using it:
Hey Tim, Isn’t that Real Estate theme something else? I love that one. Could easily be used for non-real estate, too. “dev time cut in half” and not to mention sites look twice as professional. Gotta love WordPress and the bustling community.
very nice thanks
Hi, as this blog is about WP 2.7, does anyone know where I can still get my hands on a 2.7 version. This because on the WP homepage there is only 2.8 now. I searched whole of the internet and can’t find a download for 2.7. Plz someone leave an answer here…
Here’s the WP archive for all installs.
I need help. I have Genesis, Studiopress, Child Themes and guess what, I am a Traffic School cplleague, as well. I need to design the Header, perhaps a logo, place all sections on the sifebar and footbar into boxes with colored borders and section headings to be colored boxes. I also need a newsletter Header or design, as well.
I need it ASAP
Hi Jayne,
Nice to see another Traffic Schooler here in the comments! I just replied offline with a note about my graphic design partner, Lauren Deane Evans of Good Looking Ideas.
You are right, Bradley, well designed themes are an important tool. The reason clients come to you is for your design skills and your marketing experience. You know how to tell a story with pictures and how to make an emotional impact with a web page. You back it up with excellent content and search engine optimization. That is why your phone keeps ringing. What you do is not downloadable.
Thanks for the super compliment, Anet! Great seeing you at WordPress. Seems like ages ago already. :-(