Paschal Sabatella is a designer. He needs a site that looks as good as the work he produces. He also does a lot of work so he’s going to need a system that allows him to regularly update his portfolio and case studies. He goes about things in a different way and is proud of it. He wanted his website to not be a cookie cutter, so we threw away the templates and went with his vision. That said, I know he doesn’t know WordPress and I didn’t want to customize his site so much that it would diminish the power of a content management system. So I used a powerful framework that’s easier to use than most themes, but let us have more flexibility to do what we wanted. Believe it or not, OK, you’re in suspense, I know, but his site was built using WOO Themes’ Canvas.
So we’re using WOO shortcodes for columns. We tricked out Canvas’ Portfolio feature to show off his work in a clean and sleek manner. We used the uber-cool uBillboard slider to give him control of his numerous case studies and showcases–again with the column shortcodes to keep the code clean for the user behind the scenes. The site seems clean and professional, but under the hood, there’s a lot of content. Lots of work they did and multiple case studies and work, but shown in such a way that’s not overbearing. Check out Raised Without Cages.