Barbara DeMarco-Barrett of Writer’s Digest says,

The time is nigh: If you don’t have a presence on the Web, you’re going to get left behind. Here’s why your website can be the key to your writing career, and how to do a site right.

She quotes Bradley Charbonneau,

If you hire someone to do your site, make sure you’ll be able to update it yourself. The last thing you want is to have to pay your Web designer to update it for you, so get that straight upfront and have her show you how to do the updates once the job’s done.

Designer Bradley Charbonneau agrees. “My big selling point is that I give the writers the control to add/edit/delete most all of the content on their site without having to ask (and pay!) me all the time,” he says. “They don’t have to learn HTML, download software or know much more than how to copy and paste.”

Here’s a link to the original article on