The Problem
The San Francisco Adult Municipal Softball League ( had a website, regular updates, images, banners, and text. Sounds good, right? The trouble was that the updates were too difficult and time consuming to do. They had to learn a certain program and for those who didn’t know that program, updates were difficult if not impossible.
The Solution
Enter Likoma and WordPress. Likoma, a website design shop here in San Francisco, uses only content management systems to build websites. In fact, they use exclusively WordPress. With WordPress installed, SF Softball can now update their game schedules, rain-outs, score tables, and pretty much anything else on the site with a simple “Microsoft Word-like” interface. Now anyone with an Internet connection can update the site easily, efficiently, and without hours of complex training.
The Benefit
SF Softball’s teams, players, and fans now have much more immediate results on their site. WordPress is free, so they no longer have to pay for any software they used to update the old site. More people in the administration of the league can edit more content on the pages asking fewer people for help. By the way, the site got a new coat of paint and looks slick. Have a look:
Sounds like you did a nice job streamlining the process. I’m working with a not-for-profit that needs a simpler system…
Yess!! :) WordPress is the ultimate solution with totally free. Love it. :) I will try wordpress. Thank you so much for the quick solution.