Need to crop a photo? How about some exact dimension? Don’t have Photoshop? Not to worry.

You have your portrait photo, but you really need to crop out a section of that photo for a more panorama aspect. If you don’t have Photoshop (or even if you do!), you can use Pixlr and upload your image, crop to the dimensions you need, save, and you’re all set.

I’ve recently been studying how to use pixlr editor to edit images, and I’ve been thoroughly impressed with its versatility in comparison to photoshop. It effectively has everything you need, at a much cheaper cost, and lets you do all of the good things like cropping images.

With that said, here’s a guide on cropping via Pixlr:

  1. Find URL or photo you need
  2. Go to
  3. Use Advanced Editor
  4. Enter URL or upload photo
  5. Choose your Constraint, use Output size and then fill in the exact dimensions you need (e.g. 960 pixels x 350 pixels)
  6. Use the cropping tool to select where you want your cropped image
  7. Double click to make that selection
  8. File –> Save
  9. Give it a title
  10. Choose quality 60 (fine for website quality)
  11. Save to computer
  12. Upload to your site
  13. Call it a day.
Need to resize an image for a slider? Use

Need to resize an image for a slider? Use