Portfolio of design work: websites, graphics, logos, business cards, etc.
Jack Boulware
Jack Boulware (www.jackboulware.com) is a San Francisco writer.
Portfolio of design work: websites, graphics, logos, business cards, etc.
Jack Boulware (www.jackboulware.com) is a San Francisco writer.
A zillion-layer Photoshop document brought in all the fruits into the basket for this logo work.
Update: domain wasn’t renewed, so site down. Alan Thicke’s How to Raise Kids Who Won’t Hate You is on the shelves and online (howtoraisekidsbook.com). Let’s face it – kids have hated their parents since the beginning of time. The goal is to minimize the tension and find the happy ending. Is it possible to raise [...]
Melodie uses her site to promote her book and connect with book clubs who want to use her book for discussion.
Janna Wissler (beinghuman.us) is a psychotherapist, inspiratrix and chronicler of the human spirit. She needed a site that she could easily update herself as often as she wanted. Now she can.
Eyevita (eyevita.com) needed a site to promote and sell their vitamins. WordPress allows them to update the information on their site easily and efficiently.
In her travels, Lea Aschkenas (www.leaaschkenas.com) has interviewed an exiled Black Panther in Cuba, dined at the house of a police chief who had previously arrested her for fraternizing with locals in Morocco, and gotten lost in a maze of water buffalo trails in the jungles of northern Viet Nam.
Lowell Schake (www.lowellschake.com) is the author of La Charrette: A History of the Village Gateway to the American Frontier.
Business cards for Joe Quirk based on his book cover.
Laura Shumaker (www.laurashumaker.com) has recently completed her memoir, A Regular Guy: Growing Up With Autism.
Stellah DeVille helped with the logo and color palette for this non-profit site. Drop-down menus help the plethora of information.
Creative Storefront is a one-stop shop for writers looking to progress professionally. Whether you need to chart a career in writing, learn to publicize and market your work, need a website, or want professional feedback on your manuscript, we can help.
Pat Miller needed a smart site to show off her flowers. It's everything but the ordinary.
Joe Quirk (www.joequirk.com) is a sperm-spreading author who evolved from monkey business to monogamy when he married. He lives in Northern California with his wife, a puppy, and two cats he would like to kill. He is the author of the bestselling action thriller The Ultimate Rush.
Jim Benning (jimbenning.net), travel writer.