
Portfolio of design work: websites, graphics, logos, business cards, etc.

Body Solution

Joanne Stearns needed a site for her bustling massage practice, Body Solution. She wanted soft colors and a relaxing atmosphere as well as a bit of calming motion. She found the bubbles at iStockPhoto and we embedded that into the sidebar for a soothing aquarium feel.

Stop Loss Alliance

With the expert help of Rock + Feather Graphic Design, we put together a beautiful site that's easy to navigate and full of just enough information. Stop Loss Alliance now has a very professional site with a few bells and whistles to put it over the top.


Technology User Data Base, Latin America (TUDLA, tudla.com) needed a revamp, a rewrite, and keys to the building.

New Heights Company

Tamara Steele's New Heights Company needed a makeover, but also needed the ability to update content frequently and easily.

Bluegrass Assisted Living

Blue Grass Assisted Living needed a site where they could add some photos and news on a regular basis. They didn't need a complete redesign, just a fresh coat of paint and well, keys to the house.

3 to 6 Strokes

Jerry Weinstein needed an online presence for his booming golf pro business. He said he'd guarantee an improved score "by at least 3 to 6 strokes" and he wanted it in (well, online anyway) writing, so his site was born.

Insight Center

Diane Kern's Insight Center needed an overhaul design-wise and navigation-wise. Diane wanted a few "books" or "blogs" and when that book/blog was on the page, the sidebars should change accordingly.

Barbara Gallios

Barbara Gallios opened her law practice on May 1 and needed a site to launch!

Silicon Valley Auto Dealers Association

The Silicon Valley Auto Dealers Association needed a clean looking site to list their auto dealers, share industry news, and promote the benefits of membership.

San Francisco Softball

With the help of some banner WordPress plugins, SF Softball has a site they can love, use, and update.

Business Capital

Business Capital (bizcap.com) needed a site re-do to organize their reports, services, and events. They needed some SEO help, some re-design help, and some re-organization. We teamed up and delivered the goods.

Mischa Photography

Mischa Purcell wanted a blog to add to his photography site. He wanted it to seamlessly live together with his main photography site, but use a system that would allow him easy updates using a web-based content management system.

Mari’s Catering

Mari Takahashi needed to update the events and catering information on her catering site (marisfood.com). She also had events at her restaurant that she wanted to spotlight in her catering business so she wanted to be sure to be able to add links and news as it came in.

Making Lemonade

Zander Sprague needed an additional site for his new book, "Making Lemonade, Choosing a Positive Pathway After The Loss Of a Sibling." He wanted to be able to sell the book and also allow comments, have a mailing list sign-up, and update the content himself.

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