
Website development industry news, Likoma news, news you can maybe use.

Traffic School

Ready for Traffic School? Course guarantee: You will double your site’s traffic within 6 months or your money back. If your site is brand new, you’ll go from 0 to at least 3,000 visitors per month in 6 months.

Kindle Convert

I'm a writer and I promote writers and their work. I'm old school (pen and paper) so the thought of a Kindle was horrifying. Here's why I'm a convert.

Welcome to WPU!

Welcome to the future home of WordPress U. Chock full of video tutorials for WordPress, themes, and plugins, WPU will be a one-stop shop for you to master your WordPress.

Genesis Child Themes on ThemeForest

I knew that StudioPress had put a few Genesis child themes on ThemeForest, but I didn't realize there were non-StudioPress-built Genesis child themes there. Just a handful for now, but hopefully more to come!

Using a Website to Sell a Class—A Case History

What makes a good app? What makes an app sell? How do you choose a topic and source images? How much content is required and who owns it? How long does it take to develop an app? How much should you charge, and how much money can you make?


Would-be authors pitch book ideas to a panel of publishing experts. Presenters got advice from the panelists; the winner receives an introduction to an agent.

The Power of WordPress

Clients ask me why I use WordPress over Drupal or Joomla: this is one reason. Power. Check out the infographic to see The Power of WordPress.

Squeaky Clean

From the very millisecond you decide to enter the e-world, make sure your data is squeaky clean. "Clean data" just means consistent information.

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