Website development industry news, Likoma news, news you can maybe use.
GoDaddy acquires Manage WP and now WP Curve. What gives?
Is GoDaddy up to something awesome?
Website development industry news, Likoma news, news you can maybe use.
Is GoDaddy up to something awesome?
Don't host your client's email. Jus' sayin.'
What is this, the 1900's?
Ask them what happens to your site if they move to Tahiti?
How do you define, exactly, unlimited?
50% off of Google Apps? It's going to go fast.
I have a solution, but it's so simple, I'm afraid it won't work (but it does).
WordPress site hacked? Hosted with WP Engine? You're in good hands.
Looking to connect with like-minded business starters and owners? Give Fizzle a dollar and you get a month.
Dropbox actually can slow down your computer if you let it put too many files on your hard drive.
You basically need to know (and love) WordPress.
GoDaddy isn't the first name of I think of with either "WordPress" or "managed hosting" but they're going to give it a shot.
How can you prevent using a product or being dependent on a company that might be disappearing soon? Here's how: keep an eye on them.
Full-width business slider, widgetized header area, new testimonials ... proof that WOO listens to their customers.
Does the dentist also change your oil and shine your shoes? Well, not my dentist.