Search engine optimization
How To Build an Optimized Landing Page (Beginner’s Guide) – Infographic
Step-by-step how to build an optimized landing page for greater conversion.
Search engine optimization
Step-by-step how to build an optimized landing page for greater conversion.
Is your site mobile friendly?
Conversion Rate Optimization is a lot of fancy syllables basically saying, "How do I turn more visitors into buyers?"
Until Jetpack came out with their Publicize module, getting your posts connected to your social media took a few plugins, a bit of hacking, and or a chunk of patience. With Jetpack's new Publicize, it's a snap.
If you find the perfect dot-com URL for your new projects or business, do you have to buy the dot-org, dot-net and dot-whatever? What about spelling variations? Before you plunk down hundreds of dollars, check out the pros and cons.
It's the same way to protect your business, improve your health, and invest: diversify.
Should you buy the domain "" or ""? If you're just going for Google rankings, the latter might be better.
GD Press Tools Pro is a powerful plugin that can protect, back up, and optimize your site--all from within one plugin.
When setting up websites for new businesses, I get this question extremely often. But a bigger, scarier question is: does it matter?
To make sure your WordPress site is being tracked by Google Account, you'll need to first set up a Google Account, then Google Account and I like the Google Analyticator plugin.
How can you write a blog post every day? What if you don’t have time, or can’t figure out what to write about? You need an editorial calendar.
Sexy photo catch your eye? It brought you to this post on this site. That would be "traffic." Going to sign up for a sensuous photo shoot with Lolo's Boudoir? That would be "conversion."
How can you best optimize your WordPress blog or website for mobile browsers? Here are some tips.
Here's an excellent To Do List for writers to help promote your books, your writing, and your platform, put together by social media guru Chris Brogan.
Overview of the dashboard stats and then deeper statistics provided by the stats plugin. Quickly go over the different areas of the stats (Referrers, Top Posts & Pages, Search Engine Terms, Clicks, and Incoming Links) and then a bit of analysis of the keywords. Finally, a very brief example of how to put those keywords to use in a particular post using the All-in-One SEO plugin.