
Probably the most popular category on this site. Help with getting your email on the road, setting up your email program to work with your new domain, etc.

POP versus IMAP

With iPhones and Google Apps for email and desktops, laptops, and netbooks, the POP versus IMAP question keeps popping up. What's the difference?

All switched, no problems, thanks.

Quoting Rip Gerber ( after we switched his email from a Microsoft Exchange email system to Google Apps: All switched, no problems, thanks.

Adding or removing members from Mailman mailing list software

Mailman (usually provided for free with a cPanel backend control panel on Unix hosting) does a good job with mailing lists. This is one-to-all email, not necessarily a newsletter that everyone in the group can use. Pretty simple software, but it works well. Here's a quick video showing how to add a new member to a list or remover an existing member from a list.

Setting up a new email address in Google Apps

You're all set up with Google Apps, loving it, and want to add a new email address. Not just a forwarder, but a real account with POP access and webmail access etc. Here's a step-by-step video to show you how.

Mail Chimp

Great stats, easy-to-use editor to create your newsletter, love the backend interface, and, well, yeah, funny monkeys hanging around. Also, like Vertical Response, they don't force you to do a monthly plan, but you can pay per recipient only when you send a newsletter.

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