Dr. Linda Tucker Takes it to the Next Level
She's doing her website right.
Where do I paste my coupon code for Google Apps for Work?
It's not obvious!
Unlimited small WordPress jobs for $79 per month.
How do you define, exactly, unlimited?
Oh no! Brute Force Amplification Attacks Against WordPress
Do we really need to care what that is?
License Manager for WOO Commerce
Need sequential code delivery?
Squarespace Site Hacked!
Does it even happen?
Migrating from cPanel to Managed WordPress Hosting
The one-click migration worked! Well, after 3 clicks.
Simple Page Ordering: Drag and Drop Your WordPress Pages
Easily rearrange your WordPress page order through drag and drop.
Don’t be the easiest target for WordPress hackers.
Don't give the hacker the easy way in.
Switching from BackupBuddy to Updraft Plus
Bye bye BackupBuddy, hello Updraft Plus Backup.
Tech Tip: Sleep On It
Stop trying, go to bed, wake up. Get it done.