Litquake and its army of volunteers can access the backend of their site and add events, author information, and press releases. All with a browser, a login, and a password.
Litquake and its army of volunteers can access the backend of their site and add events, author information, and press releases. All with a browser, a login, and a password.
Well, they're not really. It's as if I were at my sister's house and I wrote a letter (a what?!) and put my return address label on the envelope even though I was sending it from my sister's house. So if it got returned, it would come to my house, not her house. The spammers [...]
PHP List can handle sending to zillions of email addresses, but your hosting company and/or ISP and/or the spam police won't be as thrilled with the idea. Also, when you click Process Queue you should really keep that process window open until it's done, but it might get stuck in the process. Meet throttle processes. [...]
If you have those ingredients, it's a potential recipe for disaster if you're trying to send email. Found the answer here. It basically says change "" to "". Found another idea here that says to use a " % " in place of the " @ " in the authentication part of the email set [...]
Likoma does a lot of hosting. We also have experience with many (many) web hosts. All web hosting is NOT created equal.
The San Francisco Writer's Workshop provides a forum for writers in any genre to share their ongoing work and receive useful comments from other writers. The workshop was founded around 1946 and met for many years at the San Francisco Public Library. Since 1997, the Meridian Gallery has generously given space to the workshop for [...]
There are many benefits to owning your own domain name ( Here are a few. 1.) Domains are Forever As long as you pay your $8/year, it's yours. You don't have to worry about your ISP going out of business or you moving out of range of your service provider, you domain can go where [...]
Logo for Third Age Alliance. Three rings connecting each other, but still open (independent). "Alliance" in caps: stronger, bolder.
Year-round school of creative writing, offering classes in all genres - fiction, poetry, memoir, personal essay, screenwriting, playwriting, magazine writing, freelance marketing and publishing, travel writing, children's books, and much more. ( Features full-page visual calendar with "posting to the future" | css drop-down menus | integration with shopping cart for class registration
Here's a video that shows you how to transfer a domain name to GoDaddy. One thing you need to make sure of before you start the process is that your domain is "unlocked" at your current/old registrar. Also, make sure that your registration/administration email contact at the current/old registrar is an email you have access [...]
I have installed (on some sites) a new editor that allows you to more easily bold, italicize, etc. the content of your entry in WordPress. However, there's one glitch: if you just start using the new editor on an EXISTING ENTRY, it will remove ALL paragraph formatting. So a 27-paragraph essay will become a ONE-paragraph [...]
Here's how to add (or edit, delete, etc.) an entry (Event, Review, Article, etc.) in WordPress. -- Add entry with bolding text, making a hyperlink, and adding an image .
Watch the video.
I get this question quite a bit, "How come there are two-inch empty borders on the sides of my website? Can't we make it go the full width of the browser window?" This is the discussion of Fluid (Liquid) or Fixed (Fixed Width) Layouts. Briefly, fluid layouts shrink and grow to fit the browser window. [...]
Where can you find stock photography, illustrations, graphics?