
About Bradley Charbonneau

I've done the big corporate thing. I've done the creative writer thing. Now I'm happily in the middle. I like to help small businesses who are interested in "working their website before their website works them." I'm also interested in creating beautiful sites with powerful WordPress themes. Google+

WP :: Photos

I've been happily integrating Gallery2 into WordPress lately and it's working well. However, it's overkill for someone who just wants to put up a few photos in a few albums (and doesn't need fancy-pants watermarks, integration with shopping carts, etc.). Just found a few that look promising: Plogger Example WP Integration Simple Viewer Example WP [...]

Christine Comaford-Lynch

Christine Comaford-Lynch is the uber marketer. Her site lets her show off her professionalism while staying playful and full of color.

Writer’s Websites :: Why you need one and how to get it done

An encore class for writers and getting their websites and blogs started. Read more about it on The Writing Salon website and below. Saturday, August 20, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. in Berkeley $85 members/$95 non-members Here’s a sample of the table of contents from the class: 1. WHY HAVE A WEBSITE? 1.1. MARKETING :: [...]

To Blog or Not to Blog?

See original info here. Why should writers blog? Why should writers NOT blog? Is there really such a thing as a literary blog? Who writes them? Who reads them? What's the difference between a web site and a web blog? How do you start one? Why would you want to? This evening's gathering will be [...]

Online book promotion for writers, publicists, and publishers

**PLEASE NOTE: THIS PROGRAM IS SOLD OUT!!** February 2005 NCBPMA February Program Tuesday, February 21st, 12:30-2:30pm Macarthur Park Restaurant, San Francisco (Original event listing here.) Online promotion may be the most effective way to get the biggest bang out of a marketing buck both during a book's launch window and forever after. What may be [...]

Art Jewelry Forum

Art Jewelry Forum combines an artists' gallery, membership levels, and news to provide a full-service site to its 100+ members.


Seth Tajbakhsh of Copymat helped get this business card formatted correctly, color corrected, and in a flash of speed.

BNI Embarcadero

BNI Embarcadero's site gives its 60+ members access to members-only information, an automated roster of members, group mailing list software (one-to-all), and many other features that save the organization time and money.

The Writer’s Website

You wrote your novel, got a six-figure advance, hired a New York publicist and the royalty checks are now pouring through your mailbox. Right? Great, done. Next! Probably not. Writers have to do more and more to promote their own work--even established writers. If you want to sell more of your work, you have to [...]

PHP List :: Templates

Formatting body: body { background-color: #D2E1FF; } body,td,th { font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #333333; }

Add new entry in WordPress

Here's how to add (or edit, delete, etc.) an entry (Event, Review, Article, etc.) in WordPress. — Add entry with bolding text, making a hyperlink, and adding an image. Watch video.

Light Box

Trying two LightBox plugins: Lightbox JS v2.03.2 Plugin and Lightbox 2 Plugin (v 2.2.1) and the top one ( doesn't conflict with the FlashFader

Have a Cup of Tea

The best solution to many (MANY!) computer issues is to do the following: Turn off the computer. Make a cup of tea (five minutes). Turn on the computer. Enjoy your tea. Problem solved. It's quite something what that cup of tea can do for you and your computer. Give it a try. If it doesn't [...]

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