
About Bradley Charbonneau

I've done the big corporate thing. I've done the creative writer thing. Now I'm happily in the middle. I like to help small businesses who are interested in "working their website before their website works them." I'm also interested in creating beautiful sites with powerful WordPress themes. Google+

Search and Replace using PHP MyAdmin

In transferring a WP site from one domain to another (export, import, etc.), some characters were acting up. Smart quotes (e.g. -- " -- and -- " -- instead of just -- " -- between the dashes to show what I mean--ha, I just looked and they don't show up here!) and em-dashes (" — [...]

Organizing America

America Michael needed a site to promote her organization business. She has a great name and put it to good use in the name and logo for her site.

Peter Sussman

Peter Y. Sussman (, 65, spent 29 years as an editor at the San Francisco Chronicle, leaving in 1993 to pursue an independent career writing and editing. He has continued to devote much of his time to journalism, as a freelance writer and editor, as a teacher and mentor, and -- often through professional organizations [...]

Bay Area Chiropractic

Dr. Brian Pensack needed a site to explain his vast knowledge of chiropractic. He can add new articles, discuss new trends in the industry, and keep his clients up to date.

Doug Kenney

Josh Karp ( is a freelance journalist who writes for a variety of national publications, including The Atlantic Monthly Online, Chicago Sun-Times, Los Angeles Times, Playboy, Premiere, and The ultimate biography of National Lampoon and its cofounder Doug Kenney (, this book offers the first complete history of the immensely popular magazine and its [...]

Emailing Large Files

With more and more high-quality digital photos, movies, and audio files, people want to email larger and larger files. Many ISPs conk out if you try to send (or receive) attachments over 10 MB or so. Or your server might just decide to do some spring cleaning and remove all large and/or old attachments. There's [...]

Golden Gate Company

Rachel Walls' Golden Gate Company needed a professional site where they could list their news, events, articles, and company information -- and then send all of that information out on a regular basis in an email newsletter.


The sashay allows you to wear your regular, non-maternity shirts until the very day you give birth. So even when your regular shirt barely covers half of your belly, you can slip on the sashay and nobody knows the difference.

Donna Bee-Gates

Donna Bee-Gates ( is the author of, "I Want It Now Navigating Childhood in a Materialistic World."Paris Hilton. . . Nike. . . Tommy Hilfiger. These are the modern-day heroes for many of our children. Unfortunately, countless youngsters today aspire only to superficial goals in a quest to feel special. I Want It Now will [...]


I'm starting to use PodPress because I like the fancy-but-simple player. However, uploading is not straightforward. Here's a quickie help video on PodPress. Here's a description. Audio files under 8 MB If your audio files are under about 8 MB, you can use the "Upload" feature in the editing page of WordPress. Refresh (or Save [...]

Kaui Hart Hemmings

Kaui Hart Hemmings ( lives in San Francisco where she works at the Writer's Grotto ( Her work has appeared in The Sun, StoryQuarterly, Zoetrope, Best American Nonrequired Reading and Best American New Voices. Her first novel, the Descendants, will be published by Random House in May.


I found a site that lists FTP software for the Mac.

Linda Press Wulf

Linda Press Wulf ( grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa, and read vociferously throughout her childhood. Her mother encouraged her love of old-fashioned children's books by Gene Stratton Porter, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Ethel Turner, and the two L.M.s - L. M. Montgomery and L.M. Alcott; her father showed her how to polish both writing and [...]

WordPress And CMS: How To Make It Work

Fantastic article singing the praises of WordPress (WordPress And CMS: How To Make It Work). Simply put, WordPress has sophisticated features that make it a powerful content management system. The article goes into why a CMS is a better idea (if you ever want to update your site) over the more traditional Dreamweaver sites (not [...]

Travel Blogging Workshop

Jennifer Leo, Bradley Charbonneau & Gil Zeimer Travel Blogging Workshop 10:00-4:00 pm Sat., Oct. 28 • $95 Technorati estimates that 30,000 new Web logs are created daily. This one-day workshop by three blog-savvy instructors will show you how to get started, what software is right, how photos and links boost traffic, how to stand out [...]

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