Lee Foster (fostertravel.com) was looking to overhaul his travel writing and travel photography site. He had quite a complex set up with CNAME entries leading to custom URLs at PhotoShelter, a custom shopping cart that worked with PayPal, 250+ articles with loads of text, images, slideshows, and a blog at TypePad? Whew. Ready?
WordPress handles it all and now everything is in one place. His shopping cart has prices, sales, shipping settings, all within WordPress. He can add SEO tags to each post individually just by using the WordPress admin. He creates slide shows at PhotoShelter and just pastes in the (embed) code so the slide shows show up nicely on his site. Using the redirection plugin, we can handle the old URLs and redirect them using 301 redirects (that Google likes) so visitors still linking to the old site can come right into the new site without a glitch. For pages that don’t have custom redirects, we created a friendly “404” (error) page that welcomes the visitor and gives them a nice table of contents to quickly find what they were looking for.
We also moved his domains all to GoDaddy so everything is under one roof and complexities such as CNAME entries are a snap (well, especially with the help of the expert International Sites).
So go have a look at Lee’s travel writing and photos at fostertravel.com. Enjoy.
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This a place i would love to travel. Do you have a budget or someone you can recommend? Thank you for your informative blog.