
[your login] Pass: [your pass]
1.) Under Your Existing Weblogs, click the weblog you want to add to,

2.) In the upper left, click on New Entry,

3.) Type in a title

4.) Choose a category (you can choose multiple categories on the next screen)

5.) Entry Body: Add Entry Body text. This can either be the entire body of text of the entry or a teaser/introductory paragraph. Good idea to use as intro if there will be many entries.

6.) Extended Entry: If the Entry Body text was used as an introduction, this is where you insert the main body of your text. If you use this, there will be a link on the site after the Entry Body that says, “Continue reading [entry title]” with a link to the full article. This works much as many online magazines and newspapers do to allow “teaser” paragraphs to hook the reader.

7.) Excerpt: If you leave this blank, MT will automatically use the first 40 words of your Entry Body text as an excerpt when people do a search,

8.) Post Status: If you’re ready to publish, choose Publish,

9.) Click Save,

10.) Your entry has been saved: On this next screen, you can add multiple categories and change the date of the entry. If the entry date is today, you don’t have to change anything. If you want it to be another date, you can change it below.
11.) Click Save again.

12.) Your entry should be automatically added to your website now. You can click View Site at the top to see you site.