Eyevita (eyevita.com) needed a site to promote and sell their vitamins. WordPress allows them to update the information on their site easily and efficiently. Through simple PayPal Buy Now buttons, Eyevita can easily sell its products. They were also able to add to their database of eye diseases by just logging in and pasting text.
About the Author: Bradley Charbonneau
I've done the big corporate thing. I've done the creative writer thing. Now I'm happily in the middle. I like to help small businesses who are interested in "working their website before their website works them." I'm also interested in creating beautiful sites with powerful WordPress themes. Google+
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That’s all very nice, but there’s no information on how to purchase the item shown in the main banner. Doesn’t make any sense to show something with no links to purchase the item. So, thumbs down on that website! Sorry!
Very observant, Pook! Maybe it’s worth contacting them to see if they’re selling their vitamins (I don’t know). Thanks for commenting!