The Art Jewelry Forum ( site sprung out of a need to combine membership management, news, newsletters, and of course a place to showcase artists’ work. WordPress and Gallery2 were up to the task. Add a Flash fading banner, members-only sections (requiring members to log in), and a nicely formatted–and useful–members-only directory and this site is worth its weight in . . . silver-plated emeralds.
About the Author: Bradley Charbonneau
I've done the big corporate thing. I've done the creative writer thing. Now I'm happily in the middle. I like to help small businesses who are interested in "working their website before their website works them." I'm also interested in creating beautiful sites with powerful WordPress themes. Google+
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By the way, I went to the site today and did a bunch of edits. Very easy. Tomorrow, I need to go in and add new copy to home page, etc. We’ll see how that goes but I’m optimistic. – Pat
Yes, I’m pretty astonished. We are going to do some phone calls to new members to see how they are finding us. I am sure part of it is just having such a nice website. We must have added 8 members in the past two months and we have 5 more pending!