From Barbara Attard:
I had the good fortune to win a bid at the Rooftop School auction for an item to design a website—offered by the team of Bradley Charbonneau of Likoma and Gil Zeimer (a San Francisco freelance copywriter) of Zeimer’s Advertising Shoppe to assist with both the website design and marketing ideas. I was in the middle of a major move at the time, and took some time to contact them.
Gil arranged to meet me within a few days—we had a very efficient hour-long meeting, which gave him the basics of what I wanted in the website and he was gave me instructions as to what I would need to go forward. From this meeting he determined and developed the pages needed for the website.
Bradley assisted me in coming up with a website domain name, bought the website, did the design basics, and taught me how to buy internet photos. He then went to work and developed my website. He was incredibly patient when I had a change of heart and decided to change the domain name mid construction, as well as adding translation buttons for the 20 countries I requested!
Gil worked with me to determine and build the hyperlinks into the website. In spite of the long list of connections – the links quickly appeared to associations in my network.
Both Bradley and Gil taught me to be self reliant with the website.
Bradley taught me to navigate around WordPress to make changes and Gil taught me to add hyperlinks.
Bradley and Gil were great to work with. They generously offered their services as a school fundraiser and are generous in delivering an excellent product. I highly recommend them for your website and advertising work.
Much Appreciation from Barbara Attard