I like to use a real estate analogy to explain website hosting. I lease a “building” from a big, well-known hosting provider. I sub-lease apartments (websites). I also live in the building and I am the building manager, the interior designer, the plumber, the doorman, and the janitor. If the plumbing goes out in apartment 42 (a website), I’ll instantly get an email about it and can fix it because I know exactly where the main water valve is in the basement. I know what’s going on and how to get it fixed. If I can’t get it fixed, I have a direct line to the building owner. That’s about it.
If you’re hosted at e.g. Yahoo, you’ll be going to them for any questions, but if you come to me while you’re hosted with Yahoo, you’ll need to give me the keys to your apartment, I’ll need to search around the basement, billing you for the time, and find the main water valve. Maybe it’s in the exact same spot as it is in our building, great, easy. Maybe it’s not and it’s going to take me an extra hour to fix it. See the comments below for more about the “big guys” as hosting companies.
The hosting building is going to have the same 99.9% uptime as all of the big guys–because it is one of the big guys. No, I don’t have a 24/7 help desk 800 number. But how often are things truly the fault of the host? Well, statistically, 0.01% of the time! The usual culprit is your ISP (SBC, Comcast, Earthlink, etc.) and your Internet connection. The other culprit is your own computer or network. In the three years I’ve been with this host, they’ve had two little glitches and they were fixed before I could even email them about it.
While trying to make a sophisticated form work (example), SBC said they didn’t support the technology behind it. Long story short, it was the form or SBC Hosting. My client chose the form. Here’s what SBC Hosting said:
Dear Yahoo! Customer,
Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Web Hosting.
We’re sorry, the ionCube loader you are mentioning is not currently supported through Yahoo! Web Hosting and we do not have an estimated date as to when or if it will be available. However, we’ll pass your comments on to our Development team for further consideration.
We are always looking for ways to make Yahoo! Web Hosting more useful to our users, and we will be sure to keep your question in mind as we continue to make improvements to our service.
They’re not a “bad” hosting company, they just may not run all of the bells and whistles a sophisticated site needs.
Here’s a perfect example of why I prefer to host with my host.
Got this email from a big name host. Basically, this email is telling me that I don’t have as much control as I’d like. In real estate terms, I can turn off the main water valve, but I can’t turn off the valve to just the kitchen.
Thank you for your email. As stated in the previous email, CHMOD is not supported by our servers. You can not set permissions for an individual file. The only way to set permissions on XO servers is through the CGI Permissions, which is directory-based.
Here are more reasons not to go with Yahoo hosting for WordPress. Here’s a specific one.
To use wordpress is difficult on yahoo hosting.
Yes yahoo hosting doesnt support wordpress.
I dont like yahoo hosting. I would reccomend hostgator.
I also use hostgator and very happy with them.
Has either of you ever used HostGator for reseller hosting?
Hey Bradley,
Hav u eva heard of Likoma Island Hip_hop group from Malawi? I am the group leader i just dicovered your website amazing, i thout of having a music column with our songs and profile pictures. I will email u the songs and some web pages that i already design. thanks.
thanks admin
For some reason, I can edit and delete all the files in the Secretsformoney.info theme directory, but the site does not reflect any changes whatsoever. With one exception. I can modify the style sheet and it changes the site. Can you please tell me what is going on? I have cleared my cache, opened different browsers, still I see absolutley no changes. It’s like I’m not working on the right files, but since I built the site, and have built web sites for the last 20 years, I do know that this is not normal unless the site is mirrored, with the exception of the style sheet. I am Jay Barrett, [email protected] Please help.
Hi Jay,
Yes, the style sheet (style.css) is really the only file you need to change the look of the site. The other files (page.php, archive.php, etc.) are in some ways optional. The only necessary files are the header, index.php, and style.css. So you’re absolutely right, you can delete those files, but it’s really only the style sheet that makes things change.
I hope that helps.
I’m using bluehost for years without any big problem and they are quite cheap too
hahaha i just know that yahoo has hosting >.< is it free?
but so far wordpress is the cms, why yahoo not try too integrate with wordpress?
i’m sorry i mean wordpress is the best cms for SEO
How many kicks did I get…
I have liked your previous posts, but this one isn’t your best….