It’s a simple slider that does what it was meant to be: be a simple slider.

It doesn’t do fancy fading tricks, you can’t make it fade or use a Ken Burns effect, it’s just a good little built-in slider. It’s also built from posts, so if that’s what you need, it can be very easy to make a quick slider of posts.

Whereas the Business Slider uses a custom post type (slides), the magazine slider uses regular posts. No need for extra content here, just tag a post with the correct tag (that you determine), upload a featured image, give the post a title, body and excerpt, and you’re just about there.

It does use posts, so if you want to change the sort order of the slider, you’ll need to change the order of the posts. Maybe not ideal for all sliders. If you’re looking for a quick and easy slider to just show off some featured posts in a magazine-type layout, this is a great little slider.

A simple slider that pulls content from posts.

A simple slider that pulls content from posts.