BackupBuddy failed, X Cloner conked out and WP Clone timed out. But the one-click migration tool finally worked!
Third time was the charm. The first two gave me errors and then some big, nasty error. Then it just worked.
You tend to do the low tech cross your fingers when doing something that sounds too good to be true. Likoma offers Managed WordPress Hosting (as a reseller for a big-name hosting company) and there’s a fabulous button offering single click migration from your old host. The trouble is, it doesn’t always work.
If it sounds too good to be true …

Could it really be true that with a single click you can migrate your site to managed WordPress hosting?
I’ve talked with support and when I really got down to it, they said they’d happily walk me through a manual process to migrate the site. But I didn’t want a manual walk through, I wanted the one-click dream button to work. They have the button there, it must work sometimes, right?
You’re Finished! Except that you’re not.
It’s pretty exciting. Happy buttons, exclamation point, just wait for the magic to happen. Maybe you should click your heels and whisper your favorite magical wish. It could help.
But today I tried to migrate the site, after the one-click tool was a no-trick pony, using:
- BackupBuddy
- WP Cloner
- X Cloner
- Duplicate
They all conked out. Granted, I can’t blame those tools. It’s usually a hosting issue. It’s often on the cheaper side’s hosting, in other words, where the site was hosted that was cheap (yes, the site I was migrating was on inexpensive hosting) and the server times out with too much heavy lifting and gives you an error and you’re back to the drawing board.
So I don’t know what finally did it, but on the third try, it worked. Granted, this is no longer a one-click wonder, but a three-click process, but hey, the automated thing did the automagical.
[…] Migrating from cPanel to Managed WordPress Hosting (Sep 10) […]
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